This is part 3 of 4, you can find the other parts of this story here. *** The cold stung his face, a sign he was awake and in motion. The streets felt deserted. He
This is part 2 of 4, you can find the other parts of this story here. *** As Mom pulled into the driveway, Nate saw Mary peering out from her second-floor bedroom. There was little
Vines and snow covered much of the fence and hid the “no trespassing” signs. Many of the signs had been taken for keepsakes. A couple of Nate’s friends had one. As tempted as he was
This is the third installment of I, Death, and the fourth part of the story. To read the previous installment be sure to click here. Part 4 Ella turned back to face the Jenson household.
This is the second installment of I, Death, and the third part of the story. To read the previous installment be sure to click here. Part 3 The white halls didn’t seem as closed in
Part 1 Ella held Dana and Daniel in her arms as they watched their home burn. Their parents called out for their children in the blaze. A dozen officers had to hold them both